Kevin for UN

for UN

The International Committee of Secretary-General Candidacy
has received submission on Kevin’s merits for the top job. In particular, the
Committee has taken into account of submissions made by Senators Lin and Nil
from Windsor Vegetarian Upper House. The prima facie cases are as follows:

speaks two of the five working languages of UN, namely Mandarin, incidentally

Kevin has demonstrated leadership in
international affairs, especially climate change, elimination of poverty in Pacific
region, and cross-Taiwan strait where he has achieved a fine balance between
Classic and simplified Chinese;

Kevin has a solid background in diplomacy and
intelligence ground work;

Kevin has a constant and sincere interest in
improving the world order and encourage free flow of skilled professionals and

Kevin has the genuine interest in this job and
his heart is strong enough for the tenure of 
Secretary-General position;

Kevin is a season traveller, despite of the
recent Sichuan Chicken incident on flight.


Therefore the Committee sincerely hope the following recommendations can
be implemented before we proceed further:


 To hold a
Summit at UN Headquarters with the 220 Aboriginal Senators representing the
Aboriginal Nations in Australia to improve their health and education;

To distance himself from Sichuan Chicken or any
other chicken as Senators Lin & Nil has recommended, green beans and green
curries are greener, and vegetarian.

To achieve a better balance between English, Aboriginal
languages, Simplified Chinese and Classic Chinese and promote it to schools
across Australia;

To consult the Wisdom of Ancient Emperors edited by Pure Land Buddhist College,
Australia, and review the Art of Wars
by Sun Zi, for the likely use in achieving world peace.

To open a UN Chapter at Nambour State High,
Kevin’s Alma Mater;

To host a Summit and bring-a-plate feast with
240 multilingual Senators representing all major language groups in Australia,
and taste a delicacy from each group;

To reside with Aboriginal kids at Cherbourg on
skills exchange for at least 5 days, to learn 5 Aboriginal words from them and
teach kids 5 Chinese words and inspire them to be Ambassadors representing
Australia in the future. These words include, not limited to:  motherland, justice, dignity, fairness, love.


The Committee welcomes further submissions
to be made by 1 October 2010, by way of electronic mails sent to; We look forward to your



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2 Responses to Kevin for UN

  1. Si says:

    well, Kevin07\’s sudden demise has certainly shocked many Australians. Hang on there Kev, "Kevin for UN"  is still within reach.

  2. Stephen Lin says:

    Haha, what a turn of events since then.

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